This series includes the scholarly publications of the faculty of the College of Liberal Arts and the Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College.
The faculty of Rollins College is committed to disseminating the fruits of its research and scholarship as widely as possible. Therefore, the selection of publications represented here was authored by, chosen by, and uploaded with the permission of individual faculty authors in an effort to make their works available to the public as well as the larger international research community. The standards and formats of Rollins faculty’s scholarly work are determined by academic departments and appropriate to the expressed discipline of each author.
For access to all the books authored by Rollins faculty members search the Olin Library online catalog.
Submissions from 2009
“Publishers Did Not Take the Bait”: A Forgotten Precursor to the NIH Public Access Policy, Jonathan Miller
The State of Research on Multinationals and Emerging Markets, Rajesh K. Pillania and Marc Fetscherin
A Double Diamond Comparison of the Automotive Industry of China, India, and South Korea, Marc Sardy and Marc Fetscherin
Body and Bulimia Revisited: Reflections on "A Secret Life", Lisa M. Tillmann Ph.D.
Speaking into Silences: Autoethnography, Communication, and Applied Research, Lisa M. Tillmann Ph.D.
Submissions from 2008
Human Resources Challenges and Opportunities in China: A Case from the Hospitality Industry, Ilan Alon and Tatiana Ferreira
Presidents and the Big Picture, Rita Bornstein
A Question of Progress and Welfare: The Jitney Bus Phenomenon in Atlanta, 1915-1925, Julian C. Chambliss
From Pulp Hero to Superhero: Culture, Race, and Identity in American Popular Culture, 1900-1940, Julian C. Chambliss and William L. Svitavsky
Buddhism, Apophasis, Truth, Mario D'Amato
Gender-Role Orientation as Determinant of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy, Mary Conway Dato-on and Stephen L. Mueller
Bosnia And Herzegovina's Foreign Policy: A Multi-Level Game, Joan Davison
Submissions from 2007
Th Politics of Hate: Ultranationalist and Fundamentalist Tactics and Goals, Joan Davison
Submissions from 2006
Gendering the City, Gendering the Nation: Contesting Urban Space in Fes, Morocco, Rachel Newcomb
Submissions from 2005
The Nature and Nurture of Presidents, Rita Bornstein
Incarceration Nation: Investigative Prison Poems of Hope and Terror [book review], Lisa M. Tillmann Ph.D.
Submissions from 2004
The Authentic, and Effective, College President, Rita Bornstein
A simple design for an electronic speckle pattern interferometer, Thomas R. Moore
Qualitative Inquiry into Art History: A Tribute to Arthur P. Bochner, Lisa M. Tillmann Ph.D.
Submissions from 2003
Why College Presidents Don’t Last, Rita Bornstein
Can all Beings Potentially Attain Awakening? Gotra-theory in the Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkāra, Mario D'Amato
The semiotics of signlessness: A Buddhist doctrine of signs, Mario D'Amato
The Aggressive Driving Behavior Scale: Developing a Self-Report Measure of Unsafe Driving Practices, John M. Houston and Paul Harris
Hands, Lisa M. Tillmann Ph.D.
Mother Mentor: A Tribute to Carolyn Ellis, Lisa M. Tillmann Ph.D.