This series includes the scholarly publications of the faculty of the College of Liberal Arts and the Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College.
The faculty of Rollins College is committed to disseminating the fruits of its research and scholarship as widely as possible. Therefore, the selection of publications represented here was authored by, chosen by, and uploaded with the permission of individual faculty authors in an effort to make their works available to the public as well as the larger international research community. The standards and formats of Rollins faculty’s scholarly work are determined by academic departments and appropriate to the expressed discipline of each author.
For access to all the books authored by Rollins faculty members search the Olin Library online catalog.
Submissions from 2024
Conceptualizing Financial Crisis Communication: Central Bank’s Reputation Management Strategies During a Crisis, Prince Adu Gyamfi and Fortune Tella
Teaching Statistics: A Technology-Enhanced Supportive Instruction (TSI) Model During the Covid-19 Pandemic and Beyond, Serina Al-Haddad, Nancy Chick, and Farshid Safi
We adapt as needed: Autism services at liberal arts college libraries, Amelia M. Anderson and Blake Robinson
Can independent hotels survive? A case study of how technology changes the industry, Nathalie Darras Barquissau, Timothy L. Pett, and Charlotte Fontan Sers
Putting Scholarly Impact in Context: Implications for Policymaking and Practice, Jose R. Beltran, Herman Aguinis, Yanjinlkham Shuumarjav, and Mauricio Mercado
Building Research Communities for Life Science Transfer Students: Improving Retention and Student Outcomes, Ian Biazzo, Kenneth M. Fedorkab, Kimberly R. Schneider, and Ken Teter
Mike Bartlett, William C. Boles
Teaching approaches to race through music: A timely example from the American South, Molly M. Breckling
Principles versus rules based standards: Differential impact on accounting quality and relevance, David Cabán
The Information Content of Earnings: The Effects of a Change in Accounting Approach, David Cabán
Central African Refugee Connections: A Case Study in Florida, Sharon Carnahan and Alexandria J. Tomkunas
Teaching Fairness in Preschool: Evaluating the Steps in an Anti-Bias Education, Sharon Carnahan, Courtney Trohn, Cora Burkley, and Diane Terorde Doyle
Global Perspectives on Social Media Influencers and Strategic Business Communication, Nicky Chang Bi and Ruonan Zhang
Interactive cue matters: The moderation role of situational factors in the effects of user comments on news sharing, Nicky Chang Bi, Ruonan Zhang, and Peigin Chen
The Improv Dictionary An A to Z of Improvisational Terms, Techniques, and Tools, David Charles
Neville Fletcher's vibrant valve voyage, Whitney L. Coyle
Theatre and Its Audiences: Reimagining the Relationship in Times of Crisis, Kate Craddock and Helen Freshwater
Theater Review: A Heated Summer for Williams in Central Florida, Marianne DiQuattro
Theater Review: A Heated Summer for Williams in Central Florida, Marianne DiQuattro
Efficient time-dependent method for strong-field ionization of atoms with smoothly varying radial steps, Nicolas Douguet, Mikhail Guchkov, Klaus Bartschat, and Samantha Fonseca Douguet
Meatless Revolution: Exploring Consumers’ Perception of Meat Alternatives, Marc Fetscherin, Kip Kiefer, and A. N. Sarah Braun-Herr
Guest editorial: 30 years of brand relationship research, Marc Fetscherin and Cleopatra Veloutsou
Exploring Attitudes Toward Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention Prior to Implementation Among Female Sex Workers in Malaysia: Results from a Qualitative Study, Shaylen Foley, Danya E. Keene, Roman Shrestha, Shan-Estelle Brown, Kamal Gautam, Ryan A. Sutherland, Francesca Maviglia, Rumana Saifi, and Jeffrey A. Wickersham
Comparative Methods for Teaching Contemporary and Ancient Saints, Todd E. French and Mohammed Forero Bucheli
Butterfly: A Choreographic Translation of Beauty among Horror, Robin Gerchman