This series includes the scholarly publications of the faculty of the College of Liberal Arts and the Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College.
The faculty of Rollins College is committed to disseminating the fruits of its research and scholarship as widely as possible. Therefore, the selection of publications represented here was authored by, chosen by, and uploaded with the permission of individual faculty authors in an effort to make their works available to the public as well as the larger international research community. The standards and formats of Rollins faculty’s scholarly work are determined by academic departments and appropriate to the expressed discipline of each author.
For access to all the books authored by Rollins faculty members search the Olin Library online catalog.
Submissions from 2015
Consumer Brand Relationships Research: A Bibliometric Citation Meta-Analysis, Marc Fetscherin and Daniel Heinrich
The Medical Tourism Index: Scale Development and Validation, Marc Fetscherin and Renee-Marie Stephano
Being Earnest with Collections: Investing in Open Access at a Small Academic Library, Jonathan H. Harwell
OA in the Library Collection: The Challenges of Identifying and Maintaining Open Access Resources, Nathan Hosburgh and Chris Bulock
Meaningful Relationships: Collaborative Anthropology and Mentors from the Field, Sarah Ashley Kistler
Writing about Aj Pop B'atz': Bruce Grindal and the Transformation of Ethnographic Writing, Sarah Ashley Kistler
The Clash of Missions: Juxtaposing Competing Pressures in South Africa's Social Enterprises, Emmanuel T. Kodzi
The Complicity of Silence: Race and the Hamilton Holt/Corra Harris Friendship, 1899-1935, Jack C. Lane
Foucault and Critique: Guest Editor's Introduction to Foucault Circle Selection, Margaret McLaren
From Co-location to Collaboration: Working Together to Improve Student Learning, Susan Montgomery and Suzanne D. Robertshaw
Axial vibrations of brass wind instrument bells and their acoustical influence: Experiments, Thomas R. Moore, Britta R. Gorman, Michelle Rokni, Wilfried Kausel, and Vasileios Chatziioannou
Build a Bridge Out of Her, Lisa M. Tillmann Ph.D.
Deadline: Ethics and the Ethnographic Divorce, Lisa M. Tillmann Ph.D.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Coming Out in an Alcoholic Family, Lisa M. Tillmann Ph.D.
Father's Blessing: Ethnographic Drama, Poetry, and Prose, Lisa M. Tillmann Ph.D.
Friendship as Method, Lisa M. Tillmann Ph.D.
In Solidarity Epilogue, Lisa M. Tillmann Ph.D.
Passings, Lisa M. Tillmann Ph.D.
Remembering a Cool September, Lisa M. Tillmann Ph.D.
Revisiting Don/ovan, Lisa M. Tillmann Ph.D.
State of Unions: Politics and Poetics of Performance, Lisa M. Tillmann Ph.D.
Wedding Album: An Antiheterosexist Performance Text, Lisa M. Tillmann Ph.D.
In Solidarity: Collaborations in LGBTQ+ Activism, Lisa M. Tillmann Ph.D. and Kathryn L. Norsworthy
Exploring Genetic Variation in a Caffeine Metabolism Gene, Yvelande Zephyr and Susan Walsh
Submissions from 2014
Teaching International Business via Social Media Projects, Ilan Alon and Ruwanthi Herath