This series includes the scholarly publications of the faculty of the College of Liberal Arts and the Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College.

The faculty of Rollins College is committed to disseminating the fruits of its research and scholarship as widely as possible. Therefore, the selection of publications represented here was authored by, chosen by, and uploaded with the permission of individual faculty authors in an effort to make their works available to the public as well as the larger international research community. The standards and formats of Rollins faculty’s scholarly work are determined by academic departments and appropriate to the expressed discipline of each author.

For access to all the books authored by Rollins faculty members search the Olin Library online catalog.


Submissions from 2024


Skin Deep:Body Positivity Influencer Campaigns, David Lynn Painter, Tanja Vierrether, and Camilla L. Guimaraes

The Power of Puppetry as an Arts-Based Tool for Health and Disability Communication Research, Sarah M. Parsloe, Jose D. Leon, Logan Allen, and Seth Juncewski


Technical efficiency, scale effect, and trade liberalization: evidence from the Nepalese manufacturing sector, Amrit Pathak, Shawn Leu, Mari L. Robertson, and Mahinda Siriwardanaa

Does empowering leadership affect SMEs' sustainability performance through knowledge transfer?, Timothy L. Pett, Ghada Haddad, and Gautam Nagpal


“Trying to remain calm…but I do reach my limit sometimes”: An exploration of the meaning of gentle parenting, Anne E. Pezalla and Alice J. Davidson


Tracing Florida Journeys: Explorers, Travelers, and Landscapes Then and Now, Leslie Kemp Poole

A Reconstruction of the Non–Identity Argument at Phaedo 74b–c, Ryan Bitetti Putzer

Mere Appearance or More? A Crux at Phaedo 74b–c Revisited, Ryan Bitetti Putzer


The Politics of Heritage and Indigeneity in Assam: Hindutva’s Regional Expression, Tahmina Rahman

Under the Influence: Adaptation, Adultery, and Acceptance in Anton Chekhov's Uncle Vanya and Ryusuke Hamaguchi's Drive My Car, Paul D. Reich


Culturally Relevant Music Remedies for At-Risk Students, José Valentino Ruiz-Resto and Chris Shelton


Dynamic Localization of Endoplasmic Reticulum during Tetrahymena Conjugation, Guerrier Sabrice, Michael Patterson, Kaitlin Crofton, Michael Tucker, and Shyhiem Walker


Barbary macaques show sex-related differences in body weight based on anthropogenic food exposure despite comparable female–male stable isotope ratios, Sana T. Saiyed, Agustin Fuentes, Eric Shaw, Mark R. Schurr, and Lee T. Gettler


Partial in-vitro dispersal of S. mutans UA159 biofilms by silver-(I)cyanoximate compounds, Brendaliz Santiago Narvaez, Sarah Hameer, Jamie L. Perry, Tiffany Rojas, and Laurel G. Habgood


Measuring the behavior of the acoustic standing wave exiting a flue organ pipe, Lauren Krebs Schefter, Whitney L. Coyle, Eric Rokni, and Ashley Cannaday


Intro to Critical Media & Cultural Studies, Steven Schoen

(Re)Appraising Our Archival Identity: Demystifying the Process and Changing the Dialogue about Promotion and Tenure for Academic Archivists, Elizabeth M. Scott, Heidi Abbey Moyer, Rebecca Hankins, and Rachel Walton


L’immanence de la catastrophe lente à travers Soumission de Michel Houellebecq, Sana Alaya Seghair


Sightless Success: A Portrait of a Visually Impaired Music Entrepreneur, Chris Shelton and José Valentino Ruiz-Resto


Integrating social policy dimensions into entrepreneurship education: a perspective from India, Michael Snowden, Liz Towns-Andrews, Jamie P. Hall, Roopinder Oberoi, and Walter Mswaka

Integrating social policy dimensions into entrepreneurship education: a perspective from India, Michael Snowden, Liz Towns-Andrews, Jamie P. Halsall, Roopinder Oberoi, and Walter Mswaka

Adverse childhood experiences and insecure attachment: The indirect effects of dissociation and emotion regulation difficulties, Kaitlin S. Snyder, Andrew F. Luchner, and Stacey Tantleff-Dunn


A History of Livestock and People, Claire Strom


Rollins College (Campus History), Claire Strom, Rachel Walton, Peyton Connor, Reagan Cooney, and Helen Hutchinson


颠覆自我:吉利的十堂管理课(中文版)DISRUPT YOURSELF 10 Management Courses from Geely (Chinese version), Hua Wang, Wenxian Zhang, and Jianping Ling