This series includes the scholarly publications of the faculty of the College of Liberal Arts and the Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College.
The faculty of Rollins College is committed to disseminating the fruits of its research and scholarship as widely as possible. Therefore, the selection of publications represented here was authored by, chosen by, and uploaded with the permission of individual faculty authors in an effort to make their works available to the public as well as the larger international research community. The standards and formats of Rollins faculty’s scholarly work are determined by academic departments and appropriate to the expressed discipline of each author.
For access to all the books authored by Rollins faculty members search the Olin Library online catalog.
Submissions from 2024
Shifting Baselines: Visualizing Climate Change in America’s National Parks, Lee Lines
A Comparative Study of HPV Vaccine Acceptability Across Global North and South Countries: USA and Kenya, Robert Nyaga and Prince Adu Gyamfi
Unraveling the Threads of Wonder: Chinese Narrative Unfolded in Tales of the Strange, Jinhui Wu
Submissions from 2023
All my rowdy friends: the effect of Super Bowl hosting on audit and financial reporting timeliness, Matthew D. Crook, Tamara A. Lambert, Brian Walkup, and James D. Whitworth
Finding and Using Federal Information Relevant to People with Disabilities, Isabella Folmar and Blake Robinson
The Effects of Brand Relationships on Justice Perceptions in Service Recovery, Cid Gonçalves Filho, Kip Kiefer, Marc Fetscherin, Alexander Blandina, Marcelo Nacif Rocha, and Plínio Rafael Reis Monteiro
From the Ashes of the Old: The Old Left and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 1957-1965, Matthew Nichter
Framing Esports’ JEDI Issues: A Case Study in Media Irresponsibility, David Painter and Brittani Sahm
Learning by Doing in the Segregated South: The Robert Hungerford Normal and Industrial School for African Americans in Central Florida, Wenxian Zhang
Submissions from 2022
Libraries in the Doughnut Economy, Monika Antonelli, Rene Tanner, Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, and Adrian K. Ho
Brand Hate Internationally: A Validation Study from Slovenia, Marc Fetscherin, Maja Konecnik Ruzzier, Sabrina Ivanov, and Mitja Ruzzier
Brand Love and Brand Addiction and their Effects on Consumers’ Negative Behaviors, Muhammad Junaid, Marc Fetscherin, Khalid Hussain, and Fujun Hou
Autism Training at a Small Liberal Arts College: Librarian Perceptions and Takeaways, Blake Robinson and Amelia M. Anderson
Exploring Masstige Brands’ Antecedents and Outcomes, Paula Rodrigues, Ana Sousa, Marc Fetscherin, and Ana Pinto Borges
Dark Shadows: Monster Culture on Daytime Television, Bill Svitavsky
Submissions from 2021
On the anguish of going: an actor’s Endgame, Jennifer Cavenaugh
Food Assistance Deserts in Central Florida: Identifying Service Gaps Using Spatial Analysis, Emily Curran and Amy Armenia
A Dichotomy of Sport Sponsorships: Does the Nature of Competition Among Sponsors Matter?, Thomas Doellman, Brian Walkup, Adrien Bouchet, and Brian Chabowski
Anti-Consumption in the Context of Brand Relationships, Marc Fetscherin and Raghabendra KC
Models for Brand Relationships, Marc Fetscherin, Cleopatra Veloutsou, and Francisco Guzman
Hurricane Irma induces divergent behavioral and hormonal impacts on an urban and forest population of invasive Anolis lizards: evidence for an urban resilience hypothesis, Haralambos Fokidis and Taylor Brock
Moving Beyond Traditional Sponsorships: Understanding the Structure and Dynamics Of Minority Equity Sponsorship Agreements, Furkan Amil Gur, Adrien Bouchet, Brian Walkup, and Jonathan A. Jesen
Urban bat pups take after their mothers and are bolder and faster learners than rural pups., Lee Harten, Nesim Gonceer, Michal Handel, Orit Dash, H. Bobby Fokidis, and Yossi Yovel
Inclusive Growth in Africa: Are Chinese Investment and Local Industry Participation Compatible?, Emmanuel T. Kodzi