Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Building Trust Between Cobots and Human Workers Working in a Warehouse Environment, Daniel Raymond Napoli
It’s Not What You Say, It’s What You Do: Leaders’ Attitudes and Intentions Toward Reducing the Gender Pay Gap In Nonprofit Organizations, Doragnes Rivera Bradshaw
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Cyber Risk Management from a Resource Advantage Perspective, Komlan Seyram Ahavi
Improving U.S. Expatriate Success in Mexico: A Case Study Incorporating The Host Country Manager Perspective, Iván C. López Morales
Blockchain Adoption and the Volatility of Bitcoin and Ethereum, Carlos Humberto Muñoz Valdez
Leadership Self-Awareness: Important For You and Your Team, Jacob B. Werksman
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
The Impact of Degree of Virtualness on Performance Appraisal Scores and Organizational Justice in the U.S. Navy Reserves, Saravoot Pele Bagwell
What's In a Story? The Impact of Data Storytelling On Persuasion, Chad Cooper
The Effects of Ebullient Supervision and Leader-Member Exchange on Job Crafting in the United States Aerospace Technical Industry Base, Rouven Forbes
The Influence of Exchange-Traded Funds in the Index Inclusion Effect, Gregory J. Mecca
Saddling Up for Success: Rope or Wrangle? Comparing Experiential Learning Programs for Developing Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace, Thomasa Sanchez
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
An Examination of Not-for-Profit CEO Transformational Leadership Style and its Influence on Entrepreneurial Behavior and Social Enterprise Initiation, Susan Marie Buchholtz
Effects of Candidate Gender and Assertiveness on Likability and Promotability to A Leadership Position: Comparing Perceptions of U.S. Millennials with Those of Older U.S. Workers, Vera Lucia Costinhas da Silva Alves
The Influence of Customer Feedback on Employee Behaviors Delivering the Brand Promise, Katie Ann Gottsch
The Role of Individual Board Member Resilience, Professionalization, and Commitment in Predicting Volunteer Intentions Among A Not-For-Profit Board of Directors, Marcelo L. Martinez
Synthetic Video Disclosure in International Marketing: The Roles of Source Credibility And Social Cynicism, Greig Powers
Data Breach Announcements: Evaluating the Content and Timing Of Breach Announcements and Their Effect On Firm Value, Paul E. Viancourt
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
The Influence of Prior Military Service in Biasing Employee Selection, Cristina Rosario DiPietropolo
Values Congruence and Organizational Commitment Among The Multiple Generations In The Workforce: Toward A Better Understanding Of Generational Differences, Charles Ennis Jr.
Susceptibility to Interpersonal Military Influence And Its Relationship With Heavyweight Motorcycles In The U.S.: A Generational Study, Robert J. Kelly
A Study of the Relationship Between Menu Terminology and Political Identity, Darryl Mickler
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Hospital Performance and Its Correlates During Industry Transition, Rhonda L. Bartlett
Facebook Reactions: An Investigation of E-Word of Mouth Indicators and Their Predictability of Consumer Engagement, Monica V. Clayton
Physicians Must Lead! A Comparative Study of Two Approaches to Physician Leadership Development, Mark P. Hertling
Retaining Contingent Professionals: Identifying the Inducements That Fulfill Psychological Contract Expectations, Adeola O. Shabiyi
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Should I Stay or Should I Go? Interactions Between College GPA and Students' Goal Orientations in Predicting Second Year Retention, Stacie A. Bowie
Brain Drain, Brain Gain, and Brain Circulation: Factors That Lead International Graduate STEM Students to Remain in the United States, Nanette G. Guzman
Impact and Influence: The Effect of Mentorship on Job Advancement Among Executive Women, Paula Hopkins
Professional Service Certification: Does It Matter to Consumers?, Kelly A. Irvin
Customers Buy More When Salespeople Listen: A Study in Listening and Performance, Mitchell T. Isert
Job Satisfaction of Professional Women in Public Accounting: The Impact of Family-Friendly Programs and Work-Family Culture, Susan Jackson
M&A Capability and Long-Term Firm Performance: A Strategic Management Perspective, A Dissertation, Eduardo Vinocur
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Analyzing Social Media Activities: The Impact of Social Media on the Sales Process, Robert Akin Jr.
Player and Organization Performance: A Study of First-Time Major League Baseball Free Agents, Jeffrey Jay Barrows
Corporate Asset Deployment Strategies During Market Contractions: A Defense Sector Analysis, Garrett Lane Cohee
Organizational Learning Processes in Services and Manufacturing: A Quantitative Analysis of Mexican Firms, Rodrigo Garza Burgos
The Use of Game-Based Virtual Environment Learning Technologies by the United States Navy: A Case Study, Frank W. Naylor
Virtual Teams and Leader Communication: How Communication Tools, Techniques and Trust Impact Team Performance, Sean Newman
Adoption of Social Media by Nonprofits and Their Use of Social Influence Principles in Fundraising, Timothy O'Brien
Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory and Sales Job Offers: A Study of Undergraduate Business Students, William E. Steiger
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Do a Subset of Hedge Funds and Mutual Funds Form a New Class of Fund?, Kathryn L.W. Joseph
An Analysis of Executive Perceptions Regarding Competencies Required of Property Managers in High Performing Work Settings Within the Residential Multifamily Real Estate Industry, Christine A. Jubelt
People in Spaces: How Perception of the Physical Work Environment Impact Employee Engagement and Employee Outcomes, Paul R. Kegel
Ancillary Fees’ Impact on E-Commerce Order, Frequency, and Abandoned Cart, Ash Shoeibi
Social Media Engagement and Millennials: How Social Media Marketing Influences Millennial Consumer Behavior, Daniel S. Spellman Jr.