Global Sustainable Development Projects

Semester of Project Completion

Fall 2021

Project Type

Open Access

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Good Health and Well-being


Terrorism is both directly and indirectly harmful to maternal health. Terrorist attacks targeted at healthcare workers, hospitals and maternity wards are a direct impediment of maternal healthcare. Other terrorist activity and conflict produce overall instability, aggravating insecurity in the country. Attacks that disrupt functions within a community and a country at large indirectly impact maternal health as they target specific social determinants of health, including infrastructure for transportation, education, and healthcare. Terrorism and the influence of Islamic militia groups in Afghanistan continue to threaten the power and stability of the national government, making it difficult for policy enactment to improve maternal health. Other indirect factors include the subordination of women and terrorist occupation in specific territories, creating unsafe conditions for women to travel and seek medical care, especially when doctors are not present. This research analysis will aim to identify how incidences of terrorist attacks, conflict, war, and political instability in Afghanistan impact the utilization of maternal healthcare services and the maternal mortality ratio. The analysis will seek to confirm how the presence of terrorist groups such as the Taliban have had a significant influence on the utilization of maternal healthcare along with the hinderance of its services, contributing to the already-existent health inequities for women in Afghanistan. While it is already known that low quality of care already exists for women and for the entire healthcare system in general, knowledge is limited about the direct and indirect impacts of terrorism on women’s maternal health. Examination of research within the health community and political society will help to create a comprehensive assessment of maternal health equity in Afghanistan.

Rights Holder

Kyla Rocanello-Snow
