Graduation Date



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Date of Exhibition


Title of Exhibition

Frame of Reference

Artist Statement

Ty Wedekind, MD, (1996)

Throughout history mental health has been mishandled and the individuals facing it mistreated. Though recent steps have been taken towards eliminating systemic issues within medical and therapeutic treatment programs social stigmas remain and as a result alienate and dehumanize those facing these issues. This perpetuates a lack of knowledge about mental illness within communities and creates a generalization of the individuals dealing with mental health.

In an effort to raise awareness around these issues my work breaks down the assumptions and stigmas that generalize this community. Through portraits of anonymous individuals that are rendered in a monochromatic black and grey color scheme I demonstrate the humanity within each person. Fine text is also used throughout my work. Behind each portrait is red text that include phrases, words, and the names of doctors that have either started or upheld these stigmas throughout the history of mental health. In front of each portrait is black text that includes achievements and progress that have been made in this field, including new medications, discoveries, and the names of help services. Each of my portraits shows an individual that has overcome the overwhelming battle against the stigmas surrounding mental health. With my work I’m hoping to bring forth a conversation on how harmful these social stigmas are, and I aim to encourage each individual to fight these issues.

Type of Work

Mix Media

Short Description

The Cornell Fine Arts Museum in collaboration with the Department of Art and Art History at Rollins College is pleased to present Frame of Reference, an exhibition debuting the work of five senior Studio Art majors from the class of 2020.

In this piece, artist Ty Weekend uses portraits of anonymous individuals, rendered in a monochromatic black and grey color scheme with red text, to highlight and unravel stigmas society holds on mental illness.

Information about the art works featured in this one-time exhibition can be found at:


17 in 22 in


Charcoal mixed media print

Date of Online Publication



Copyright 2020, Ty Weekend. Reproduced with permission. The artists and/or collaborators who contribute to the Rollins College Student Art Gallery and Archive retain the rights to their own works. In making these collection materials available, Rollins College does not grant permission to reproduce or redistribute them, in part or in full. The College does not own the copyright to any of the materials, cannot grant any requests for permission to reproduce them, and will forward reproduction requests to the artists and/or collaborators.


mental illness, social stigmas, mentally ill, social norms, stereotypes, portraits, portraiture, monochrome, depression, anxiety, medicine, mixed media, anonymous


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