Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Participant Preferences of Identified Maintaining Contingencies, Aubrey Ashby
An Assessment Process and Guide for Intervention to Increase Procedural Fidelity, Silvia Cabal
Functional Analysis and Intervention of Multiply Controlled Behavior, Nicole Carbonelli Rosa
The Efficacy of Contingent Positive and Negative Reinforcement in the Treatment of Compliance and Reduction of Disruptive Behavior with Medical Demands, Michelle Rebecca Davidson
An Evaluation of Rate Calculations During Extinction, Madison Holland
Using Behavioral Skills Training Within the Pyramidal Training Model to Teach Caregivers a New Skill, Caitlyn Hutton
An Extension of the Response-Restriction Preference Assessment, Jazmin Ramos
Socialization Procedure for an Adult Feral Cat in a Home Setting, Erica Serito
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Assessing Visual Analysis Skills with Board-Certified Behavior Analysts, Marina Forsythe
Determining the Utilization of Trial-Based Functional Analyses in a Clinical Setting, Cayla Thomas
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Pre-Session Pairing and Instructional Fading Prior to Instruction, Claudia Aguayo
Trial-based Measurements as an Index of Response Strength, Vasily Belichenko
A Comparison of Positive and Negative Reinforcement to Decrease Disruptive Behavior During Medical Demands, Rachel Commodario
Comparing Operant Discrimination Training and Response Contingent Pairing for Eliciting Vocalizations, Jade Grimes
The Effectiveness of a Skills Assessment Sequence on Evaluating Independent Handwriting, Rebecca Mischuck
A Comparison of Models in Video Modeling to Teach Vocal Skills, Caroline Phan
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Refining the Stimulus Pairing Observation Procedure for Tact and Listener Responding, Jennifer Brennan
Comparing the Effects of Feedback Types on Caregiver Training of Hispanic Parents, Natasha Cintron
Effectiveness of Visual Prompts on Correct Disposal of Trash and Recyclable Materials, Ronni Hemstreet
An Analysis of the Effects of Extinction Relative to Baseline Measures Including and Excluding Consumption Time, Kelti Keister
Assessing the Interference of Stereotypy During Unmastered Academic Tasks, Taylor LaBour
Investigating Maintaining Variables of Physical Activity, Michelle Loaiza
Evaluation of a Vocal Mand Assessment and Vocal Mand Training Procedures: A Systematic Replication, Toni O'Connell
Noncontingent Reinforcement in the Treatment of Attention Maintained Problem Behavior: Schedule Thinning Within Extended Sessions, Kelly O'Donnell
A Functional Analysis of Physical Activity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Nicole Ramirez
Behavioral Skills Training to Teach Online Safety Responses to Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder, John Zinicola
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Assessing TAGteach Methodology to Improve Oral Reading Fluency in English Learners, Luz G. Cabrera
Evaluating the Diverted Attention Condition in a Trial-Based Functional Analysis, Kyle Frank
An Experimental Analysis of Voice Volume for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Arturo Garcia
Assessing Controlling Stimuli for Safety Responses in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Andrea Giraldo
A Functional Analysis of Physical Activity in Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Alexandra Knerr
Validity Analysis of a Modified Questions About Behavioral Function (QABF) Assessment: Preliminary Analysis, Christina Marie Sheppard
Assessing Displacement and Magnitude Effects on Relative Preferences of Edible and High-tech Leisure Items, Morgan Smith
Teaching Safe Dog-Greeting Skills with Parents and Children, Ashley Torres
Resurgence of Caregiver and Therapist Responses: The Recurrence of Unwanted Responses Under a Negative Reinforcement Context, Gabrielle Wiggins
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Varying Inter-Stimulus and Inter-Trial Intervals During Stimulus-Stimulus Pairing: A Translational Extension of Autoshaping, Patricia Eberhardt
Evaluating Correspondence Between Preference Assessments Requiring Motor and Vocal Responses, Marie Gilbert
Increasing Variable Play in Children with Autism Using a Lag Schedule and Stimulus Fading, Amelia Nelson
Using Video-Based Training to Teach Students the Conservative Dual-Criteria Method, Chandler Pelfrey
A Model for the Treatment of Food Selectivity, Angie Van Arsdale
An Evaluation of Differential Positive Reinforcement without Extinction for Escape-Maintained Problem Behavior, Sabrina Veilleux
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Using Response Card Technology to Reduce Disruptive Behavior in the College Classroom, Meera Aggarwal
Teaching Children with ASD Intraverbal Responses About the Past, Jeanne Gonzalez
A Comparison of Traditional and Culturally Sensitive Parent Training of Functional Communication Training, Adriana Rodriguez
Assessment and Treatment of Behavior Maintained by Automatic Reinforcement, Nicolette Yatros
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Generalized Reinforcement Effects on Manding: A Replication, Christina Rose Greco
Evaluating Preference Stability Among Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease, Sabrine Maali
Functional Analysis and Treatment of Self-Injurious Feather Plucking in a Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus), Kristen L. Morris
Evaluating TAGteach as a Training Procedure for Novice-to-Advanced Fastpitch Softball Pitchers, Breanna Sniffen