Date of Award

Spring 2019

Thesis Type

Rollins Access Only

Degree Name

Honors Bachelor of Arts


Interdisciplinary Studies


Dr. Emmanuel Kodzi

Committee Member

Dr. Richard Lewin

Committee Member

Dr. Alberto Prieto-Calixto


Starting a company and starting a YouTube channel both require that one “wear all the hats” in order to create something out of nothing. This study seeks to determine whether the two ventures develop similar underlying transferable skills in an attempt to investigate if starting a YouTube channel could be a low-risk way for an aspiring entrepreneur to develop the skills needed when starting a company. 160 entrepreneurs and 20 YouTubers were surveyed using convenience sampling to conduct a between-subjects study in an attempt to answer the research question. No evidence was found indicating that the two ventures develop the same transferable skills. Due to various limitations in this study, the results should be interpreted with caution and future studies should be conducted in order to find more reliable results.

Rights Holder

Michael Dennis
