
Ye WongFollow

Date of Award

Spring 2022

Thesis Type

Rollins Access Only

Degree Name

Honors Bachelor of Arts




Dr. Riley

Committee Member

Dr. Murdaugh

Committee Member

Dr. Singer, Dr. Gonzalez Guittar


The topic of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics retention is one that is widely studied and considered by individuals with vastly different backgrounds. The problem of STEM retention is deeply rooted in political history, gender and racial inequality, and factors that cause barriers to opportunity. The urgency behind investing in STEM education as early as grade school is in large part due to the increasing pressure that the United States government feels as countries advance and compete for global influence. At an institution like Rollins College, the physical sciences experience issues with retention and performance trends like those reflected in national trends. This work investigates the learning attitudes and beliefs of the Fall 2021 CHM120 cohort and analyzes the trends in chemistry performance, persistence, and withdrawal rate for the major factors that impact retention in chemistry over the last ten years at Rollins College. Analysis of aggregate data for the cohorts of Fall 2010 to Fall 2021 CHM120 strongly suggests that incoming mathematics ability and Pell grant eligibility are predictors of outcome in the course.

Rights Holder

Ye Wong
