Date of Award

Spring 2022

Thesis Type

Open Access

Degree Name

Honors Bachelor of Arts


Political Science


Don Davison

Committee Member

Pavielle Haines

Committee Member

Matthew Nichter


Does the intensity of racial attitudes among voters in the U.S. change from 2004-2016? Do attitudes of latter-generational racism like negative stereotyping, racial resentment, anti-black affect, and white identity impact voter’s perceptions of Presidential candidates throughout 2004 - 2016? Additionally, what is the impact of race on these preferences, specifically white racial sensitivity? This thesis examines the impact of latter-generational attitudes on Republican Presidential Candidate affect over a time series of 2004 – 2016. Over time, the Republican Party is becoming more male, white, and lower income/ educated while the Democrat Party is becoming more diverse and better educated. Over time, latter generation racial attitudes positively influence Republican Presidential candidate warmness, especially in 2012 and 2016. White identity becomes an increasing influence on Republican candidate warmness, along with racial resentment and anti-black affect across the series, suggesting that the issue of race continues to be an influencing issue in the 21st century.

Rights Holder

Collin Swords
