Xenagogy X
Other Contributors
Robyn and John Horn
"X has never been common in the English language, and just .02 percent of the dictionary begins with this rare letter. For letterpress printers using wood type, the X is often missing from a font, or the poor sort has had its reverse side surrendered for carving a sorely needed A or E instead. During a residency at Shooting Star Press in Little Rock, Arkansas, I had the opportunity to explore the huge wood type collection, full of rare and exotic specimens. Inspired by the extraordinary xenodochy (hospitality) of my hosts in contrast to our country’s disturbing xenophobia (fear of foreigners), I set out to create Xenagogy X, a guidebook. Words led by the letter X are surrounded by their definitions and framed by X specimens, all bound in an X-cordion. An independent variable, an unknown value, the letter X serves to expand and excite." - Jessica Spring
Springtide Press
Language and creative writing
10" x 7.5" closed, expands to 24"
Bound in varnished railroad board covers
Letterpress printed with handset wood and metal and Ludlow-cast type. Printed on French Speckletone paper.
Hand-set metal and Ludlow cast type press
Recommended Citation
Spring, Jessica, "Xenagogy X" (2019). Rollins College Book Arts Collection. 10.
Other Information
Signed and numbered by the artist, edition number 27 of 45. More information on the artist book and other works of the artist can be found here: http://www.vampandtramp.com/finepress/s/springtidePress.html