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Emerging markets are increasingly becoming the growth drivers of the global economy and there is increased scrutiny and interest in emerging markets since the 1990s. The interest can be viewed from a demand and supply perspective. With a huge population and increasing income, emerging economies provide a big market for goods and services. Also, with talented manpower and low costs, emerging economies are supplying more and more goods and services to the world (Pillania, 2009). Multinational corporations (MNCs) play a very important role in global business and economy. There is an increased interest in research and explanation for emerging markets and MNCs (London and Hart, 2004; Meyer, 2004; Ramamurti, 2004; Khanan et al., 2005, Pillania, 2009).

This article contributes to a better understanding of the research field of multinationals and emerging markets as well as knowledge on key disciplines, journals, and articles. Bibliometric analysis represents a relatively new form of meta-analytical research or “meta-review” of the literature (Kim and McMillan, 2008). It is valuable in illustrating the links between and among scholarly works and the nature of development in a given research field or discipline by measuring and analyzing published materials (Borgman, 2000). Citation analysis is a bibliometric technique that considers a citation as the basic unit of analysis (Kim and McMillan, 2008). Initially, it has been used in diverse range of disciplines in the science and humanities (Price, 1976; White and McCain, 1989; Wiberley, 2003), and only recently in social science (Glanzel 1996) such as communications (Pasadeos et al., 1999), advertising (Kim and McMillan, 2008), marketing (Arnott, 2007), and international management (Acedo and Casilla, 2005).


This article was originally published in Multinational Business Review, Vol. 17 Iss: 2. View the article online at:

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Multinational Business Review




