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Publication Date

Spring 2018


Meet Whitney Coyle Welcome to the second installment of our new Sound Perspectives series “Ask an Acoustician.” This article highlights Whitney Coyle, an assistant professor at Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida ( Whitney represents the musical acoustics field. She received her BS from Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky, in the fields of music and mathematics. She then went on to Pennsylvania State University, University Park, for her MS and PhD in acoustics. Whitney has a strong association with the Acoustical Society of American (ASA), including serving on the Student Council Committee from 2011 to 2015. She received awards for the Best Student Paper in Musical Acoustics in 2009 and 2014 and the Best Young Presenter in Noise in 2013. Whitney serves on the ASA Web Advisory Committee as chair, the Women in Acoustics Committee, the Education in Acoustics Committee, and the Musical Acoustics Technical Committee. Whitney recently answered a series of questions designed to get to know more about her and her field. Readers can also learn more about Whitney’s work at

Publication Title

Acoustics Today


