Most Recent Additions
Dialogues on Democracy
Julia Maskivker
Debating Global Development
Daniel P. L. Chong and Capri Gutiérrez
颠覆自我:吉利的十堂管理课(中文版)DISRUPT YOURSELF 10 Management Courses from Geely (Chinese version)
Hua Wang, Wenxian Zhang, and Jianping Ling
Rollins College (Campus History)
Claire Strom, Rachel Walton, Peyton Connor, Reagan Cooney, and Helen Hutchinson
Empty Plates: The Evolution of Hunger Relief, Until All Are Fed
Dave Krepcho and Claire Strom
R from Scratch - An Intro to Data Analytics
Jasser Jasser
Theatre and Its Audiences: Reimagining the Relationship in Times of Crisis
Kate Craddock and Helen Freshwater
Mike Bartlett
William C. Boles
A Kind of Flourishing
Angela Griner
Intro to Critical Media & Cultural Studies
Steven Schoen
Global Perspectives on Social Media Influencers and Strategic Business Communication
Nicky Chang Bi and Ruonan Zhang
Introduction to CRISPR-Cas-9 Techniques: Strategies for the Laboratory and Classroom
Michael J. Wolyniak, Donna L. Pattison, Jay N. Pieczynski, and Maria S. Santisteban
Theater Review: A Heated Summer for Williams in Central Florida
Marianne DiQuattro
Teaching approaches to race through music: A timely example from the American South
Molly M. Breckling
The Self-Employed Women's Association (SEWA) Gandhian Ethics and Feminist Ethics in Action
Margaret A. McLaren
A History of Livestock and People
Claire Strom
*Updated as of 01/18/25.