Skin Deep:Body Positivity Influencer Campaigns

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



This investigation used expectancy violation theory (EVT) to explain how a body positivity influencer's clothing styles (modest or revealing) and skin tones (filtered or unfiltered) affected viewers' responses to branded Instagram posts violating (i.e., unfiltered and revealing) or confirming (i.e., filtered and modest) appearance norms. Specifically, viewers' attractiveness and authenticity ratings as well as their emotional responses were measured to verify that their appearance norm internalization triggered EVT's effects. Finally, this study explored how viewers' attractiveness, authenticity, and emotional response ratings mediated the effect of the influencer's appearance on their purchase intentions. The results indicate viewers punished norm violations in their attractiveness ratings but rewarded them in their authenticity and emotional response ratings. Finally, viewers' emotional responses and authenticity ratings more powerfully shaped their purchase intentions than their attractiveness ratings. These results suggest body positivity influencer marketing may mutually benefit both sponsors and consumers while countering toxic appearance norms on social media and society at large.

Publication Title

IGI Global


